Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What I think about Halo: Reach

well comparing Reach to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Halo 3 and the first Gears of War I've decided that its a great game. It has aspects from all of the games like the spriting from Call of duty the evade system for Elites like in Gears of War and still have the same gameplay of Halo 3 but with a little twist.
But there are some weapons like the DMR and the sniper that make it feel uneven. For example the DMR feels like it has a slow rate of fire, compare it to the BR and it has an extremely slow rate of fire. So in heat of action its not effective espically in close quarters since most players rush in to get kills. Spawn for this weapon is activily but limited spawns.
As for the Sniper its recoil is either reduced to where it seems like theres no recoil or there isn't any. Its too much of an over powered weapon because no scopes are easy to do now but the spawns for this weapons are limited and placed horribly.
Some setups are also annoy and overused like the Guard Abilty it does an emp after use and can easily take an opponet behind the user waiting for an assassianation.
Otherwise that the game is great overall and fun with friends. I can't wait for it to come out.
Realease date is 9/1/10 for those Halo fans like me. Well thats all I have for this game for now I'll probably be saying more about it after I play it more but comment your opinions on this game I would like to hear your guys opinion about it.


  1. i agree totally bumblebee but you have to remember its the beta any problems people have will be fixed in the actual game. as for the gaurd abillity thats where a good teamate comes into play or a well time plasma grenade gaurd may be annoying but it can be taken out in a number of ways.

  2. I all know Bumble is that your sister sucks!!!

  3. That's right, and there's nothing you can do about it, bitches!
