Monday, November 22, 2010

Remember Guys

It's my way

Time to shit or get off the Pot

Look everyone and I mean everyone has been slaking when it comes to comunacating and that included's myself. We need to get to gather and start taking all this to the next level. And I not just talking about our game play but everything. We all have shit to do and things that distract us at times and some people have more things going on then others but I think we all can chip in and have some fun oh and remember you all need to start using this site as well as the page as well.
 get on top of this shit now.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Team tactics by jazz

ok so forget jdfft ill let scattershot take charge of that department now ive come up with team tactics by jazz. any way how are you today my fellow clan members i have for you today a tactic which we swear by but no one ever seems to follow. sticking together!if your with a teamate stick close by him at all times, mind you not so close your basically in the way of eachother but just enough to give covering fire.with that being said we come to checking behind,now as im aware we all look behind eachother but sometimes thats all we do. if you see an enemy across the map dont worry about shooting at them keep with your teamate no matter what. but what you dont want to do is not mention the fact that we may have someone or many behind us"say something". and remember stick to the role you have set for yourself. check back to my clan roles post. if you have choosen to be support dont go in like a tank. leave that to the tanks themselves or the J.O.A.T's. do not under any circumstance leave your teamate to go for a more powerfull weapon. yes i will admit i have done this on plenty of occasion but i assure you i am working on that problem. if you would like to go for a more powerful weapon sugest it and if your teamate is willing (which he should be unless already engaged) help you grab it. remember this is a team based game you guys dont be greedy with weapons ask around first or call the weapon you want out , do not by any means be selfish and take a weapon your teamate called, the only time i want to see that is when we are not taking that particular match as serriously as we should. also if you lose a weapon a good idea (yes ive seen you guys do it plenty of times) call out the fact they might have that weapon so we can be more alert while playing.well thats it for now so until my next post kill a host and save a teamate. happy fragging

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Return of the King

It's been a long time coming, but Mindwipe is on his way. Sometime this month, sometime soon, I shall return and wreak havoc upon all of you! Mwahaha...So, give me a list of what games you guys have now so that I get back to gaming with all of you. I'm sorry for the long silence, but I'm here now. I hope you all have been having fun, looks like the blog has died out a little though.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What Scatter Thinks (Sarah Palin Edition)

Now i don't know if I'm disgusted or excited about the pairing of the two most polarizing women in America. The head of the cable network TLC just confirmed that Kate Gosselin and her 8 kids recently visited Sarah Palin. And they all went camping!, for part of an episode of Sarah Palin's Alaska which appears this fall. Well ain't that something! I don't know how to feel about this but i actually kinda love it. Now generally i hate most reality shows and i hate reality "stars"; the Gosselin's, the Kardiashians, the Jenners, the cast of every Real World, you know that kinda thing. But i actually think this could be hilarious, inadvertently hilarious, but hilarious nonetheless i don't think she actually this stupid, but in my head Sarah Palin will give a million untrue facts about Alaska, she will accidentally send all the Gosselin kids down into a bottomless ice cave or right up to a heard of injured, angry moose, and point to an object on the horizon which she insists is Moscow but is really just an impressively large spruce. All the while Kate will brow beat Sarah saying she doesn't do enough to help raise the kids, not her own, the Gosselin kids...This show, or at least this episode, has real potential. Especially if Palin does the whole thing wearing tight running clothes. I do agree with some of Palin's ideas, i don't agree with how she says them. I do agree that she is a G.I.L.F. Bring on Palin/Gosselin, hell make the the 2012 ticket they're no less qualified than what we have now lol I'm ScatterSHOT and that's what i think. And that's your new opinion

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

clan roles

OK so me and prime discussed that we need roles for everyone and by roles i mean what we are going to do on the battlefield so here's a list of roles to take control of

Tank= strategist and one who gets most of the job done
J.O.A.T= jack of all trades this is the guy who is a tank, medic, support, lone wolf, and distraction
Medic= the one one who goes to revive your fallen teammates on the battlefield while providing cover
Support= the ones who stay back and provide cover from afar and toss in frags to help teammates get out of a sticky situation
Distraction= now this role is is more the less experienced members of the clan and speaks for itself they may find themselves in the battle field having many difficulties but they are important for the more experienced members to come sneak up behind and get the kills to help win the battle
Lone wolf= again this is anther one that speaks for itself this class is more for the ones who don't like to rush in with the team but rather go it alone, these members are highly frowned upon in this clan but everyone at one point some more than others will take this position.

Now what me and prime want from all of you is to choose two classes and stick with them leave your positions in the commets and remember we are like a cattapillar everyone is the legs and if one of us is a broken leg we cant function properly

Saturday, August 28, 2010