Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Gears 2 Update Is On The Way

Gears of War 3 is not taking up all of Epic's time. Gears of War 2 will be getting a huge title update which will include bug fixes and balance.

A new mode will be introduced called Social Xbox Live. It will allow gamers who join matches mid-game. Not only matches, but Horde as well.

Players rejoice with the news that players may leave without losing any experience after, they just don't get the XP from that match.

Check out the full list of updates at Kotaku.


  1. It still sounds like a crappy game, I wouldn't touch that with your Peenuckle!

  2. I'd touch it with my peenuckle.

  3. that's cuz you don't get none, so you'll take anything you can get:P
