It's my way
Monday, November 22, 2010
Time to shit or get off the Pot
Look everyone and I mean everyone has been slaking when it comes to comunacating and that included's myself. We need to get to gather and start taking all this to the next level. And I not just talking about our game play but everything. We all have shit to do and things that distract us at times and some people have more things going on then others but I think we all can chip in and have some fun oh and remember you all need to start using this site as well as the page as well.
get on top of this shit now.
get on top of this shit now.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Team tactics by jazz
ok so forget jdfft ill let scattershot take charge of that department now ive come up with team tactics by jazz. any way how are you today my fellow clan members i have for you today a tactic which we swear by but no one ever seems to follow. sticking together!if your with a teamate stick close by him at all times, mind you not so close your basically in the way of eachother but just enough to give covering fire.with that being said we come to checking behind,now as im aware we all look behind eachother but sometimes thats all we do. if you see an enemy across the map dont worry about shooting at them keep with your teamate no matter what. but what you dont want to do is not mention the fact that we may have someone or many behind us"say something". and remember stick to the role you have set for yourself. check back to my clan roles post. if you have choosen to be support dont go in like a tank. leave that to the tanks themselves or the J.O.A.T's. do not under any circumstance leave your teamate to go for a more powerfull weapon. yes i will admit i have done this on plenty of occasion but i assure you i am working on that problem. if you would like to go for a more powerful weapon sugest it and if your teamate is willing (which he should be unless already engaged) help you grab it. remember this is a team based game you guys dont be greedy with weapons ask around first or call the weapon you want out , do not by any means be selfish and take a weapon your teamate called, the only time i want to see that is when we are not taking that particular match as serriously as we should. also if you lose a weapon a good idea (yes ive seen you guys do it plenty of times) call out the fact they might have that weapon so we can be more alert while playing.well thats it for now so until my next post kill a host and save a teamate. happy fragging
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Return of the King
It's been a long time coming, but Mindwipe is on his way. Sometime this month, sometime soon, I shall return and wreak havoc upon all of you! Mwahaha...So, give me a list of what games you guys have now so that I get back to gaming with all of you. I'm sorry for the long silence, but I'm here now. I hope you all have been having fun, looks like the blog has died out a little though.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
What Scatter Thinks (Sarah Palin Edition)
Now i don't know if I'm disgusted or excited about the pairing of the two most polarizing women in America. The head of the cable network TLC just confirmed that Kate Gosselin and her 8 kids recently visited Sarah Palin. And they all went camping!, for part of an episode of Sarah Palin's Alaska which appears this fall. Well ain't that something! I don't know how to feel about this but i actually kinda love it. Now generally i hate most reality shows and i hate reality "stars"; the Gosselin's, the Kardiashians, the Jenners, the cast of every Real World, you know that kinda thing. But i actually think this could be hilarious, inadvertently hilarious, but hilarious nonetheless i don't think she actually this stupid, but in my head Sarah Palin will give a million untrue facts about Alaska, she will accidentally send all the Gosselin kids down into a bottomless ice cave or right up to a heard of injured, angry moose, and point to an object on the horizon which she insists is Moscow but is really just an impressively large spruce. All the while Kate will brow beat Sarah saying she doesn't do enough to help raise the kids, not her own, the Gosselin kids...This show, or at least this episode, has real potential. Especially if Palin does the whole thing wearing tight running clothes. I do agree with some of Palin's ideas, i don't agree with how she says them. I do agree that she is a G.I.L.F. Bring on Palin/Gosselin, hell make the the 2012 ticket they're no less qualified than what we have now lol I'm ScatterSHOT and that's what i think. And that's your new opinion
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
clan roles
OK so me and prime discussed that we need roles for everyone and by roles i mean what we are going to do on the battlefield so here's a list of roles to take control of
Tank= strategist and one who gets most of the job done
J.O.A.T= jack of all trades this is the guy who is a tank, medic, support, lone wolf, and distraction
Medic= the one one who goes to revive your fallen teammates on the battlefield while providing cover
Support= the ones who stay back and provide cover from afar and toss in frags to help teammates get out of a sticky situation
Distraction= now this role is is more the less experienced members of the clan and speaks for itself they may find themselves in the battle field having many difficulties but they are important for the more experienced members to come sneak up behind and get the kills to help win the battle
Lone wolf= again this is anther one that speaks for itself this class is more for the ones who don't like to rush in with the team but rather go it alone, these members are highly frowned upon in this clan but everyone at one point some more than others will take this position.
Now what me and prime want from all of you is to choose two classes and stick with them leave your positions in the commets and remember we are like a cattapillar everyone is the legs and if one of us is a broken leg we cant function properly
Tank= strategist and one who gets most of the job done
J.O.A.T= jack of all trades this is the guy who is a tank, medic, support, lone wolf, and distraction
Medic= the one one who goes to revive your fallen teammates on the battlefield while providing cover
Support= the ones who stay back and provide cover from afar and toss in frags to help teammates get out of a sticky situation
Distraction= now this role is is more the less experienced members of the clan and speaks for itself they may find themselves in the battle field having many difficulties but they are important for the more experienced members to come sneak up behind and get the kills to help win the battle
Lone wolf= again this is anther one that speaks for itself this class is more for the ones who don't like to rush in with the team but rather go it alone, these members are highly frowned upon in this clan but everyone at one point some more than others will take this position.
Now what me and prime want from all of you is to choose two classes and stick with them leave your positions in the commets and remember we are like a cattapillar everyone is the legs and if one of us is a broken leg we cant function properly
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
If your in then be heard
Look I'm tired of all the fake people who are full of shit. If you want to be in this clan and take it to a whole new level then leave your name and a fuck yeah in the comments below. This goes out to all members, we need new recruits. Not your friend form school or the neighbor hood kid. People that know how to handle a bad scene and not who grab their ankles and kiss their asses good bye! We need people who believe that no matter how hard you fall on your face you keep going and never give up. RID does not give up no matter how bad we get cheated or mod. Remember guys when people talk shit, if you act like it don't bother you it will bother them even more. Remember the clan rules.
Friday, August 6, 2010
What Scatter Thinks (Jersey Shore edition)
So that jersey shore hose beast Snookie got arrested last weekend for disorderly conduct in the gwedo heaven of Seaside Heights. Turns out she wasn't drunk, just nauseous from seeing her own reflection in the grease of a slice of boardwalk pizza. had a picture of that orange skinned ghoul, sometime before or after her arrest. and she's wearing a barely there one-piece that makes her look like a pear with feet. Nice combination of leopard print and tiger stripes, looks real good. if you wear that suit in public you should be forced to buy something nice for everyone you encounter. of course on the boardwalk something nice would mean a bald eagle on white gold. She's got the body of Theodor from the chipmunks, she looks like one of those little fertility dolls that would have been carved out of an elephant tusk by some long forgotten group of Pygmies in the year 1000. I look at her and i think of Meatloaf...not the singer, an actual loaf of meat. you know what you don't wanna be compared to, a loaf, worst word in the English language. little beast. in fact all the big named chicks on that show are disgusting, at least the guys have good bodies so i understand the appeal for women. But the broads on this show look like beat-up 45 year olds with the physiques to match. J-Wow looks like a man! a man that wears bikinis that look like lingerie. In a perfect world those Cape Cod sharks would head south and start munching. I'm Scatter and that's what i think and that's your new opinion.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
i dont care

call me a nerd all you want but world of warcraft is the shit. and as prime knows i know how to spot an addictive game. erm (viva pinata). but i think you guys should definately play it we can also make clans in it, another RID anyone (pc version). but still its fun as hell kill what ever the hell you want full world roaming pretty much the works. also im kinda excited with the new expansion CATACLYSM. it seems very promising. and remember dont knock a game till you try it yourself. P.S ive learned that most people we call WOW nerds werent wow nerds before and knocked the game as well then they triedit and got addicted. sobasically what im trying to tell you guys is we should also expand our gaming reaches to the pc as well. CATACLYSM should com out sometime in november 2010
Practice this week
Gears1 and 2, TFWFC
Tuesday and Thursday, start 6pm pst
We need more Ratchet and Other Mexicans to play more
Tuesday and Thursday, start 6pm pst
We need more Ratchet and Other Mexicans to play more
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
so who ever was playing with me last night
ok whoever was playing with me last night got a message from a myke swagga, asking for an ihunt1 code. so i did some research and came across their website and OMG boy would i love to be in the rankings of the TDF...not. i mean c'mon they have a wall of shame most of it is them talking shit and also they think their like the true gods of gaming. check it out and as i recall they kinda sucked
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
c'mon guys
we need to get war for cybertron ASAP. we have one group of people who are trying to steal the good name. i got a challenge that i could not accept because you guys dont have it. i dont care what the hell you do to get it Suck some dick for money, whore yourself out, fuckin sell shit on ebay, or go to fuckin gamestop with a hot chick have her distract the guy behind the counter sneak back there and fucking steal that shit. gamestop people are idiots you can hear the first hand stories from prime but still guys if i have to decline one more challenge for that shit im gonna be pissed
Sunday, July 4, 2010
CLAN PRACTICE (week 7/5-7/11)
This week practices will be Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday between 6pm-10pm(pacific time) for Gears 1 & 2. If you would like to participate in the clan battle for this week you will need to attend the practices.
An update from RIDxMindWipe
Hey everyone, how's it been? I haven't been around lately and I'm sure some of you are wondering why. Well, it doesn't matter. You are all still my friends and some of you are the coolest people around. As of right now, I'm terribly sick and can barely move. Talking hurts and any attempt to do so results in a painful cough attack. I'm hoping I can get over this soon, it's never easy being sick.
I've got to go and take a driving test this week, and hopefully I'll pass it with a breeze. As it turns out, I will need my license for work, which I will be starting in just two weeks. There's not a lot of time for me to prepare, so I've been pretty busy with that. I should be leaving on the 13th of July, and today is the fourth. Doesn't leave me much time does it? Speaking of which, happy 4th of July everyone. I hope you guys all have a great time. And Jazz try not to set any houses on fire. Remember, bottle rockets are an outdoor toy. And Ratchet, just because it says fire cracker on it, doesn't mean you should eat it. Prime, StarScream, I'm glad you guys are spending this day together.
Wish me luck guys, I'm going to miss all of you out on the road.
I've got to go and take a driving test this week, and hopefully I'll pass it with a breeze. As it turns out, I will need my license for work, which I will be starting in just two weeks. There's not a lot of time for me to prepare, so I've been pretty busy with that. I should be leaving on the 13th of July, and today is the fourth. Doesn't leave me much time does it? Speaking of which, happy 4th of July everyone. I hope you guys all have a great time. And Jazz try not to set any houses on fire. Remember, bottle rockets are an outdoor toy. And Ratchet, just because it says fire cracker on it, doesn't mean you should eat it. Prime, StarScream, I'm glad you guys are spending this day together.
Wish me luck guys, I'm going to miss all of you out on the road.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
happy fathers day Prime and scattershot
Thursday, June 17, 2010
New Is Good
This is the New and Improved RID-BLOGGER, This is just the begging of new and exciting things to come to the RID Clan not only will changes be taking place on blogger but the Myspace Page and A new Facebook page will be coming soon. We will also have new clan members with new rules shortly. Please as always feel free to comment .
Friday, June 11, 2010
so im noticing anymore when people have a a problem they get pissed and dont confront it. why i dont know its high school drama bullshit if you ask me. now instead of acting like a school kid be an adult and talk about the problem if theres no solution leave it be move on but if there is a solution tackle it dont just run away pissed cuz itll just hurt you in the long run
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Should Religion be allowed in school? Does it have a place in school today?
Some people think that God should be included in our schools and that the bible should be consider as a class offered to those who choose to take it. I personally think that you should be allowed to believe or practice you beliefs where ever you want. Like if you wanted to say a pray before you take a test, that should be your own choice. You should not get yelled at by your teacher for doing the act as one student did in Colorado. The teacher asked him why his head was down and he told her what he was doing and she responded with a bartering of the student in front of his class mates. Did the teacher get in trouble for this? No she did not, the school said she was only up holding the school's policies. I think that you should be able to do as you please when it comes to worship as long as you don't try to force you opinion on those who don't want it or ask for it. I'm mean we where a nation under God right or did that change some where along the lines and I missed that. So anyone reading this let me know what you think and believe should happen with our school's and religion.
Some people think that God should be included in our schools and that the bible should be consider as a class offered to those who choose to take it. I personally think that you should be allowed to believe or practice you beliefs where ever you want. Like if you wanted to say a pray before you take a test, that should be your own choice. You should not get yelled at by your teacher for doing the act as one student did in Colorado. The teacher asked him why his head was down and he told her what he was doing and she responded with a bartering of the student in front of his class mates. Did the teacher get in trouble for this? No she did not, the school said she was only up holding the school's policies. I think that you should be able to do as you please when it comes to worship as long as you don't try to force you opinion on those who don't want it or ask for it. I'm mean we where a nation under God right or did that change some where along the lines and I missed that. So anyone reading this let me know what you think and believe should happen with our school's and religion.
Friday, June 4, 2010
JDFFT different today
well its been awhile but im back on blogger (not like any of you care anyway[emo kid moment lol] but yeah so i havent been on cuz blogger got boring for me but a converstaion i had last night just got me intrested again, also im very upset cuz i wasnt able to leave the 100th coment stating it was the 100th coment so heres the 107th lol
Thursday, June 3, 2010
What Scatter Thinks
Sometimes i don't care when bad things happen to people. So i came across a story this morning about a man who got run over, after deciding to take an overnight nap in the driveway of a house (awesome). There it is 2:00am, Numbnuts is passed out in the driveway when the owner of the house, pulled in and didn't see him, thus run him over. That leaves me feeling more indifferent than the Obama administration responding to the worst oil spill in world history. I have a real disconnect to empathy when it comes to dipshits like this, in fact if i had any emotion at all it would be a little gladness. Serves him right what kind of a jackass passes out on a driveway!? Now i've been really tired before and i've been really drunk before and i've been both those things at once a number of times, and yet i've not come remotely close to looking at a slab of asphalt or concrete as a viable sleeping choice. I generally try to put myself in the safest places possible when i'm unconscious, that almost immediately leaves out driveway, also; runway, interstate, train tracks, diving board, and drag strip. Although i feel a little bad for the guy that hit him, well not that bad either cause you'd think he would have seen a guy in the driveway, in front of him. I'd like to think if i was pulling into my own driveway day or night i'd see a body laying in front of me. Never the less not only do i not feel bad for people who die this stupidly, i'm a bit relieved that the lineage of their genetics has come to an end. Through sheer luck all of his ancestors stayed out of harms way since the beginning of time, so he could end up here, and then he wrecked it. GOOD one less dildo. I'm here, You're here, He's not. Perfect I'm Scatter and that's what i think and that's your new opinion.
In With The New
Well Hopefully Everyone Likes This, I Went With A Little Bit Of The Old, Sprinkled With Little Bit Of The New ;) Ok Time For Some New Clan Rules Which Over The Course Of The Next Week I will Be Asking For Any Input You Guys Might Have For Me, That Will Be For The Better Meant Of The Clan. We Are Going To Have A Whole New RID. We Are Going To Make Ourself's Known To The Gaming World!
Please Leave All Feed Back In Comments Section Or Send On Xbox Live To RIDxPrime
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Redesign Has Commenced
I have changed the look of the blog a little bit. Leave a comment and let us know what you think.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Well after months of procastinating I've finnally done it. My profile is up and running so if you have a myspace and want to connect with me there, leave a comment with your myspace url and I'll add you. I would also like to add that prime made a bet with me that I wouldn't get it done today. Which was just the incentive I needed as he must now eat a full plate of bullshit. Thank you.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Joke of the Day!
When Obama died, George Washington met him at the Pearly Gates. He slapped
him across the face and yelled, "How dare you try to destroy the nation I helped conceive?"
Patrick Henry approached, punched him in the nose and shouted, "You wanted to end our liberties but you failed."
James Madison followed, kicked him in the groin and said, "This is why I allowed our government to provide for the
common defense!"
Thomas Jefferson was next, beat Obama with a long cane and snarled, "It was evil men like you who inspired me to
write the Declaration of Independence."
The beatings and thrashings continued as George Mason, James Monroe and 66 other early Americans unleashed
their anger on the radical, socialist, leader.
As Obama lay bleeding and in pain, an Angel appeared. Obama wept and said, "This is not what you promised
The Angel replied, "I told you there would be 72 Virginians waiting for you in Heaven. What did you think I said?"
him across the face and yelled, "How dare you try to destroy the nation I helped conceive?"
Patrick Henry approached, punched him in the nose and shouted, "You wanted to end our liberties but you failed."
James Madison followed, kicked him in the groin and said, "This is why I allowed our government to provide for the
common defense!"
Thomas Jefferson was next, beat Obama with a long cane and snarled, "It was evil men like you who inspired me to
write the Declaration of Independence."
The beatings and thrashings continued as George Mason, James Monroe and 66 other early Americans unleashed
their anger on the radical, socialist, leader.
As Obama lay bleeding and in pain, an Angel appeared. Obama wept and said, "This is not what you promised
The Angel replied, "I told you there would be 72 Virginians waiting for you in Heaven. What did you think I said?"
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Transformers: War for Cybertron Achievements Revealed
Here is the list.
All I have to say is there is an achievement called Paging Ratchet...and it is the best achievement. EVER.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Final Fantasy Versus XIII Might Be on The Xbox 360
Some of us here are fans of Final Fantasy XIII(Jazz) and would like to know that Final Fantasy Versus XIII could be out on the 360.
Check out more here.
New Star Wars Avatar Cloths Out
I DEFINITELY can't fit my fat ass in that, no matter how much you cut it.
Check out the rest of them at Kotaku.
Autobot Or Decepticon? Choose a Side
Kotaku has a video posted up with some devs talking about the campaign. Mainly co-op, boss battles and campaign.
Gamers will be able to choose from the start which campaign they want to take on. The stories are vastly different from each others but but build nicely together.
Can't have one without the other, but which side will you help make stronger? The Decepticons or the Autobots?
Check the video out here.
Gears 2 Update Is On The Way
Gears of War 3 is not taking up all of Epic's time. Gears of War 2 will be getting a huge title update which will include bug fixes and balance.
A new mode will be introduced called Social Xbox Live. It will allow gamers who join matches mid-game. Not only matches, but Horde as well.
Players rejoice with the news that players may leave without losing any experience after, they just don't get the XP from that match.
Check out the full list of updates at Kotaku.
What a title...
Fate of Two Worlds? Really? That is so's just so fucking cheesy. Damn you Marvel vs. Capcom for making me curse you out with your cheesy title. Damn you.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
You guys are the TITS
I want to start off by saying that I think of all of you like my family. Lord knows that my family off line sucks balls but it helps knowing that you guys are always there ! Weather that be talking shit on live or posting these dumbass blogs. You guys are the best and I could not ask for a better group of players. Now with all that shit out of they way ( that feels more like me) I want to say that we all need to remember that all the little bull shit and crying, don't mean shit when it comes to life and the big picture. I mean think about it, whats more important,bitching because someone beat you down in a video game or make sure that the person next to you and on the other end of the headset knows that you got there back weather it be in our fake world of games or in real life? I want each and everyone of you to know the Prime has got your back on and off live. No matter what it is you can call me day or night, or email me, or text. It don't matter, I'M HERE. I know I sound gay as all hell right now but it's how I feel about you son's of bitch's. To end all of this, I truly believe this is something to live by
life is a storm, my friends. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout Do your worst, for I will do mine! Then the fates will truly know you as I know you: Steven J Thompson The Man
Richard Nieves The Man
McQuaid The Man so on and so forth
life is a storm, my friends. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout Do your worst, for I will do mine! Then the fates will truly know you as I know you: Steven J Thompson The Man
Richard Nieves The Man
McQuaid The Man so on and so forth
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Crazy Brazilians
Wow, Brazilian girls are pretty crazy! Who do I know that's brazilian?
Wow, Brazilian girls are pretty crazy! Who do I know that's brazilian?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Sweet dance!!
This is pretty awesome! and the chick is hot too! ^^
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
New Gears 3 details from IGN
In the most recent issue of Game Informer magazine new information has been revealed about the third installment in the Gears of War series. We learned the first details about Gears 3 on the Jimmy Fallon Show which debuted the trailer back in April. So far we know that Dom has a beard, Anya fights with the boys, and Marcus has a new gun. But there's so much more.
It's been a year and a half since the fall of Jacinto and the Gears are now living aboard a converted aircraft carrier called the Raven's Nest. The government has disbanded and the survivors from the first two games call a make-shift flotilla their home. The crew rely on each other more than ever, which is highlighted in Gears 3 by the new four-player co-op. Marcus and Dom return to lead a new character named Jace Stratton and Anya Stroud.
Players can now trade weapons with each other or other soldiers in their battle against the lambent. This new enemy which first appeared in Gears of War 2 enters the game quickly when giant enemy crabs overtake the ship. These are a precursor to reanimated Locust troops called Drudges. When attacked, these enemies spawn tendril-like limbs that allow them to expand outward and upward, making cover a lot less safe. They'll also perform a last-ditch attack by blowing themselves up while running at the player.
To fight the new threat the players have access to a new "Pendulum-era lancer with a bayonet and more powerful, close-range rounds. There's also a redesigned hammerburst with a standard zoom, a sawed-off shotgun, and a massive one-shot rifle. One strange new weapon is the digger launcher which fires piranha-like creatures into the ground where they then seek and devour their targets.
The Locust still make an appearance along with new enemy classes like a grenadier and large, organic catapults. To face these larger threats, players can now suit up in a mechanized suit called a silverback. These come equipped with a rocket launcher and a heavy chain gun and can also be deployed as cover, allowing multiple team members to use the weapons.
There's also a new arcade mode that has highly visible scoring and stat tracking. Then it allows players to fiddle with variables including gravity, big-head mode, and sound effects. Arcade mode also includes an idea that appeared in Shadow Complex where players are alerted to how well their friends have done in a certain area.
As far as multiplayer, only two maps have been revealed including a ruined thrashball field and the sinking remains of Jacinto called Overpass. The multiplayer environments can alter dramatically during a match, like water flooding and receding from the ground. There's also a new multi-turret where players can affix their own weapons then hit a single trigger to fire bullets in four directions.
The article also promises a host of new executions using almost all of the weapons and more importantly, we'll finally learn the secret behind Adam Fenix and his plan to save the planet.
It's been a year and a half since the fall of Jacinto and the Gears are now living aboard a converted aircraft carrier called the Raven's Nest. The government has disbanded and the survivors from the first two games call a make-shift flotilla their home. The crew rely on each other more than ever, which is highlighted in Gears 3 by the new four-player co-op. Marcus and Dom return to lead a new character named Jace Stratton and Anya Stroud.
Players can now trade weapons with each other or other soldiers in their battle against the lambent. This new enemy which first appeared in Gears of War 2 enters the game quickly when giant enemy crabs overtake the ship. These are a precursor to reanimated Locust troops called Drudges. When attacked, these enemies spawn tendril-like limbs that allow them to expand outward and upward, making cover a lot less safe. They'll also perform a last-ditch attack by blowing themselves up while running at the player.
To fight the new threat the players have access to a new "Pendulum-era lancer with a bayonet and more powerful, close-range rounds. There's also a redesigned hammerburst with a standard zoom, a sawed-off shotgun, and a massive one-shot rifle. One strange new weapon is the digger launcher which fires piranha-like creatures into the ground where they then seek and devour their targets.
The Locust still make an appearance along with new enemy classes like a grenadier and large, organic catapults. To face these larger threats, players can now suit up in a mechanized suit called a silverback. These come equipped with a rocket launcher and a heavy chain gun and can also be deployed as cover, allowing multiple team members to use the weapons.
There's also a new arcade mode that has highly visible scoring and stat tracking. Then it allows players to fiddle with variables including gravity, big-head mode, and sound effects. Arcade mode also includes an idea that appeared in Shadow Complex where players are alerted to how well their friends have done in a certain area.
As far as multiplayer, only two maps have been revealed including a ruined thrashball field and the sinking remains of Jacinto called Overpass. The multiplayer environments can alter dramatically during a match, like water flooding and receding from the ground. There's also a new multi-turret where players can affix their own weapons then hit a single trigger to fire bullets in four directions.
The article also promises a host of new executions using almost all of the weapons and more importantly, we'll finally learn the secret behind Adam Fenix and his plan to save the planet.
Bigfoot 911
Weather you believe or not this is a great call, makes you think what would you do if it was in your yard looking right at you!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
no more stupid ass puns im gonna say smart shit frfom now on lol. but ghosts, aliens and bigfoot are real maybe not bigfoot but he can still exsistwhen a person dies they dont die completely. but i guess what im trying to say is i believe the paranormal is out there and im one of the few people who aim to find damn near all of them and if that makes me crazy then so be it. also i think being abducted by aliens would be the coolest thing ever! just as long as i could live in their society with no problems or they did shit to my brain put me back on earth and i became the smartest person ever to live cuz that shit would be awsome
Monday, May 10, 2010
WTF.......WTF........! EA Sports Locks Out Multiplayer Modes On Used Sales EA tackles used game sales with new one-time only code.
May 10, 2010 - EA Sports is going after the used game market.
Starting with the release of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, the publisher will introduce a new Online Pass, a one-time registration code included with each brand new copy of the game. The code allows players to access "online services, features and bonus content."
Those who purchase the game used can buy an Online Pass for $10 or sign up for a free 7-day trial. The pass will be implemented for NCAA Football 11, NHL 11. Madden NFL 11, NBA 11, FIFA 11, and EA Sports MMA as well. The pass offers different features for each title, however, players will not have access to basic multiplayer features if purchased used.
"You will be unable to play multiplayer online game modes or use your downloaded content in online game modes," EA says. The break down for each title can be seen on the publisher's official website.
"This is an important inflection point in our business because it allows us to accelerate our commitment to enhance premium online services to the entire robust EA SPORTS online community," said Peter Moore, President of EA SPORTS.
Despite being the leader in used game sales, retailer GameStop, which acknowledged it plans to focus on digital content in the future, supports Electronic Arts' new direction.
"GameStop is excited to partner with such a forward-thinking publisher as Electronic Arts," said Dan DeMatteo, Chief Executive Officer of GameStop Corp. "This relationship allows us to capitalize on our investments to market and sell downloadable content online, as well as through our network of stores worldwide." (Credit IGN.COM)
Starting with the release of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, the publisher will introduce a new Online Pass, a one-time registration code included with each brand new copy of the game. The code allows players to access "online services, features and bonus content."
Those who purchase the game used can buy an Online Pass for $10 or sign up for a free 7-day trial. The pass will be implemented for NCAA Football 11, NHL 11. Madden NFL 11, NBA 11, FIFA 11, and EA Sports MMA as well. The pass offers different features for each title, however, players will not have access to basic multiplayer features if purchased used.
"You will be unable to play multiplayer online game modes or use your downloaded content in online game modes," EA says. The break down for each title can be seen on the publisher's official website.
"This is an important inflection point in our business because it allows us to accelerate our commitment to enhance premium online services to the entire robust EA SPORTS online community," said Peter Moore, President of EA SPORTS.
Despite being the leader in used game sales, retailer GameStop, which acknowledged it plans to focus on digital content in the future, supports Electronic Arts' new direction.
"GameStop is excited to partner with such a forward-thinking publisher as Electronic Arts," said Dan DeMatteo, Chief Executive Officer of GameStop Corp. "This relationship allows us to capitalize on our investments to market and sell downloadable content online, as well as through our network of stores worldwide." (Credit IGN.COM)
Know your Rights! Read the Constitution...... or just visit Boo Yaaaaaaa!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
This is the perfect example of teamwork and what goes wrong in a game. We could actually learn from this. Everyone and I MEAN EVERYONE should get some tips from this! (scroll down to see the halo reach update)
Well besides that Gears of war stuff, Halo reach has been going downhill lately. The maps have been getting annoying and all everyone ever wants to play is stockpile and now instead of getting like 700+ credits I only get 50-200 credits each match my average of credits now is 148 and I'm still performing and doing the same gameplay as I was when I was getting 700+ credits :/. well Invasion well I should say Invasion SLAYER is the greatest gametype I have ever played from any Halo game. It sooooooooo epically awesome!!!!! I have an update for the Sniper for those sniper noobs(*cough*jazz). When you go for a head shot shoot twice. I've noticed my shots are hitting the head but won't kill the opponent. I guess that the Sniper is weaker now in long distance but incredibly strong in short. In close quarter make sure you aim directly at the player's head instead of aimming ahead especially when no-scoping apparently its an instant hit now. I think I analyze the game to much oh well. Thats all I got to say so far hopefully you guys like this post and please comment your thoughts and opinions.
This is the perfect example of teamwork and what goes wrong in a game. We could actually learn from this. Everyone and I MEAN EVERYONE should get some tips from this! (scroll down to see the halo reach update)
Well besides that Gears of war stuff, Halo reach has been going downhill lately. The maps have been getting annoying and all everyone ever wants to play is stockpile and now instead of getting like 700+ credits I only get 50-200 credits each match my average of credits now is 148 and I'm still performing and doing the same gameplay as I was when I was getting 700+ credits :/. well Invasion well I should say Invasion SLAYER is the greatest gametype I have ever played from any Halo game. It sooooooooo epically awesome!!!!! I have an update for the Sniper for those sniper noobs(*cough*jazz). When you go for a head shot shoot twice. I've noticed my shots are hitting the head but won't kill the opponent. I guess that the Sniper is weaker now in long distance but incredibly strong in short. In close quarter make sure you aim directly at the player's head instead of aimming ahead especially when no-scoping apparently its an instant hit now. I think I analyze the game to much oh well. Thats all I got to say so far hopefully you guys like this post and please comment your thoughts and opinions.
We're dicks! We're reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the Obama administration are pussies. And Puerto Rican's are assholes. Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes: assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves... because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes. I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don't let us fuck those asshole, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
what the JDFFT is about
theres a what scatter thinks and a jazz's DFFT. although im still waiting for another what scatter thinks. now WST does it it informs catches your eye and draws you in to get the point across. i like that fact i really and JDFFT is just random shit gets you to think but not much as most of it is just retarded bull shit mainly intended for laughs and and hate mail. yes im aware JDFFT makes no sense most of the time but i garantee there will be some things in it that will make you think and ill ask for your opinions on it, unlike WST which is communism and tells you thats what you think lol sorry scatter had to.
well this one isnt like the normal DFFT, but what will happen when other governments fail. say every single one failed, would we as people be able to live without a government, or would we just fall into a state of chaos? personally i think at first we'd fall into a state of chaos starting riots killing eachother and doing what we want, but like children we get bored of things easilly. id like to hear your thoughts on this, what do you think would happen afterwards?
Moms Hate Me
I was sitting at my kitchen table eating penut butter when an idea just popped into my head. I'm pretty sure this is illegal, but I want to be a baby assasin. Now I know that there are a lot of dads out there who don't actually want to be dads. They were seduced by a broad, who went and got herself pregnant. It's not always the mans fault. And when a man doesn't want the child; he ends up on Oprah. God damnit that's just not right! Well, with my unique services and cheap rates I'd take care of their problem. I would offer a humane way of ridding the child of it's life. But for a little extra I'd get creative. And hell, if he paid me enough I'd even frame the bitch who tricked his penis into fucking her. I feel a bit crude, and I apologize if I've offended anyone out there. So to make it right I'd probably donate diapers and such to the salvation army. Yup. Oh and for the record, I'd wash them first. No one wants a pre-used, scrungy ass-diaper. Which goes to show that I am a very considerate person.
"Why did the baby cross the road? It had no choice, it was stapled against the chickens back." - Steven King. Real Qoute.
What's the difference between a baby and watermelon? Nothing if your using a sledgehammer.
What's more fun than stapling a baby to a wall? Ripping it off.
A still birth isn't funny. So don't laugh. But when it comes to an early crucifying...Blame the Lord.
"Why did the baby cross the road? It had no choice, it was stapled against the chickens back." - Steven King. Real Qoute.
What's the difference between a baby and watermelon? Nothing if your using a sledgehammer.
What's more fun than stapling a baby to a wall? Ripping it off.
A still birth isn't funny. So don't laugh. But when it comes to an early crucifying...Blame the Lord.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
jazz's DFFT #4
yes its been awhile but this is my time to shine damn it, lol. anyway, dont use the computer for chronic masterbation not only will it give your computer viruses but it will also break your computer from all the Jizz that gets into it. as most people have their comps on the floor.
What I think about Halo: Reach
well comparing Reach to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Halo 3 and the first Gears of War I've decided that its a great game. It has aspects from all of the games like the spriting from Call of duty the evade system for Elites like in Gears of War and still have the same gameplay of Halo 3 but with a little twist.
But there are some weapons like the DMR and the sniper that make it feel uneven. For example the DMR feels like it has a slow rate of fire, compare it to the BR and it has an extremely slow rate of fire. So in heat of action its not effective espically in close quarters since most players rush in to get kills. Spawn for this weapon is activily but limited spawns.
As for the Sniper its recoil is either reduced to where it seems like theres no recoil or there isn't any. Its too much of an over powered weapon because no scopes are easy to do now but the spawns for this weapons are limited and placed horribly.
Some setups are also annoy and overused like the Guard Abilty it does an emp after use and can easily take an opponet behind the user waiting for an assassianation.
Otherwise that the game is great overall and fun with friends. I can't wait for it to come out.
Realease date is 9/1/10 for those Halo fans like me. Well thats all I have for this game for now I'll probably be saying more about it after I play it more but comment your opinions on this game I would like to hear your guys opinion about it.
But there are some weapons like the DMR and the sniper that make it feel uneven. For example the DMR feels like it has a slow rate of fire, compare it to the BR and it has an extremely slow rate of fire. So in heat of action its not effective espically in close quarters since most players rush in to get kills. Spawn for this weapon is activily but limited spawns.
As for the Sniper its recoil is either reduced to where it seems like theres no recoil or there isn't any. Its too much of an over powered weapon because no scopes are easy to do now but the spawns for this weapons are limited and placed horribly.
Some setups are also annoy and overused like the Guard Abilty it does an emp after use and can easily take an opponet behind the user waiting for an assassianation.
Otherwise that the game is great overall and fun with friends. I can't wait for it to come out.
Realease date is 9/1/10 for those Halo fans like me. Well thats all I have for this game for now I'll probably be saying more about it after I play it more but comment your opinions on this game I would like to hear your guys opinion about it.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
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