Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Return of the King

It's been a long time coming, but Mindwipe is on his way. Sometime this month, sometime soon, I shall return and wreak havoc upon all of you! Mwahaha...So, give me a list of what games you guys have now so that I get back to gaming with all of you. I'm sorry for the long silence, but I'm here now. I hope you all have been having fun, looks like the blog has died out a little though.


  1. Yeah its pretty much dead now with the new bumblebee making yet another site but since no one in the clan uses it either hes planing on taking it down. But weve been mostly playing gears 2 prime ran off to ps3 two games you have to get though are tranformers war for cybertron and call of duty black ops we also have a new clan member archforce so lets give a big rid howdy do for him. Its kinda been cool being stand in leader since primes left its had its ups its had its downs. I was kinda stressed about it at first and failed as a leader but now that i have my priorities straightened out im climbing up to be a great leader one i get my room all set up out here i can start raising my voice when members get outta line. We also have yet another member but has yet to change his name from what prime was telling me drum roll please. Thekillerinme horray glad to have him back now if we could just get that douche prime to finish up whatever the hell it is hes been busy with and come back to his family that is the clan we could be stronger than we are at the moment once more

  2. also you titled this thing return of the king But prime is showing little to no signs of return and im still online so im a bit confused
