Friday, May 7, 2010


This is the perfect example of teamwork and what goes wrong in a game. We could actually learn from this. Everyone and I MEAN EVERYONE should get some tips from this! (scroll down to see the halo reach update)

Well besides that Gears of war stuff, Halo reach has been going downhill lately. The maps have been getting annoying and all everyone ever wants to play is stockpile and now instead of getting like 700+ credits I only get 50-200 credits each match my average of credits now is 148 and I'm still performing and doing the same gameplay as I was when I was getting 700+ credits :/. well Invasion well I should say Invasion SLAYER is the greatest gametype I have ever played from any Halo game. It sooooooooo epically awesome!!!!! I have an update for the Sniper for those sniper noobs(*cough*jazz). When you go for a head shot shoot twice. I've noticed my shots are hitting the head but won't kill the opponent. I guess that the Sniper is weaker now in long distance but incredibly strong in short. In close quarter make sure you aim directly at the player's head instead of aimming ahead especially when no-scoping apparently its an instant hit now. I think I analyze the game to much oh well. Thats all I got to say so far hopefully you guys like this post and please comment your thoughts and opinions.



  1. damm it video got cut off! well heres the link to the video

  2. 1st Bumble you should look up what porn is!!! And Second,all I saw in that video was almost the exact same thing we all do when playing the map!!

  3. Wow, Bumblebee, when did you become one of those bitter people that complaints about everything? And I don't know why you're saying that we should play better, I think our team is pretty good. The only big problem we have is communication. Why are you putting down your own clan, do you not like the clan or something?

  4. I for one, happen to like girls in bikinis.

  5. when did I say "better" in my blog? I'm just saying we should learn from this and no i actually don't see this in our games, yes there's teamwork but not as much as this much teamwork. I know a lot of us are good I just think we should take advantage of it and actually put it into use like these guys do. and where am I complaining? I don't see myself complaining where was I complaining? and Prime never heard of a joke gez! Can't even have some fun

  6. It honestly did not sound like a joke, and obviously I wasn't the only one who thought that either. If you want to have better strategies maybe you should stop doing private chat with Frenzy so we can all communicate to work better, and it would also helped if you weren't always in a bad mood to talk. That's just my observation!

  7. well it was a joke but apparently you guys can't take a frickin joke because it pisses you guys off
    Private chat with Frenzy? what the hell are you talking about? I never do a private chat with her during our matches. Anyways if I do communicate no one else doesn't so whats the fuckin point? (well there's a few that do but not many). And what if i do private chats anyways its none of your business of what I do. I'll admit i some times do a private chat but not with frenzy with someone else that doesnt concern you. Alright when is it that you guys want me to play then cuz im not always in a bad mood i havent been in a bad mood the only time i get in a bad mood cuz you guys, no you and prime get me in a bad mood cuz of the bull shit you guys complain about what we are doing.
    sorry for being aggressive but you just pissed me off with you accusing me for doing private chats with frenzy and also bring her in the conversation and also saying that im always in a bad mood to talk when im never even angry the only time i am is when you guys piss me off.

  8. ok woah dont mean to butt in here but you guys are family ive heard of sibling rivalry but this is rediciculous calm down guys deep breaths. shouldnt be getting this agravated over a game here for you guys but this fighting stuff needs to stop,that means everyone. im not saying that everyone is fighting but im also making future reference dont get mad at me guys im just trying to bring peace and prosperity to eachother. i dont care who or what started the disagreement but c'mon be the bigger person and let it go.

  9. Wow, no need to act like a offended high school girl! It's only what I think, you don't necessarily have to agree with me. If you haven't notice that's exactly what an opinion is. As far a us pissing you off, you don't have to play with us, obviously you don't cuz your always playing something else or with others. So what's the problem?

  10. I know what youre saying jazz but its doesn't have to do with sibling rivalry, actually me and starscream almost never argue, well not that i know of. Its just that its pisses me off when I'm accused of doing something that I don't even do. As for starscream you should look up the difference of being offended and getting pissed of at being accused for something I don't do because I wasn't offened I was pissed off meaning angry. And i know it was your opinion but it got me angry when you started accusing me for something i wasn't doing and you should realize more often who you are playing with cuz most of the time Im in that same lobby. I'm always playing with you guys thats really bs talk right there i have no idea where you got that from. Though I don't like to bring in others into our argument you can ask anyone else that I do play with you guys especially with prime since he's the only one that gets online between you two, I even play with the others also so I don't see where you got that from The only time I don't is when I have to go to bed for school sometimes when I'm busy or playing with my best friend which both is rare
    But if you are already accusing me of something that I haven't done and already being told I don't play much with you guys, which is bs, then I just won't play with you guys then since you already think that I'll just play with the others that's it. Its as simple as that
    But whats your excuse for not being online when prime is online most of the time hm?
    Well even though we are arguing with each other happy mother's day to you starscream since you're my sister with the only kids in the family between the other sisters and I think youre the only mother in the clan.

  11. Ok so much to say and so little time to say it! Bumblebee there have been plenty of times where you were talking to frenzy in a private chat. One being the whole argument that we had the other day about you jazz and her in private chat while everyone else was not, remember? Next you are always in a bad mood, how many times have I coming into the game and asked how are you doing and you said( not having a good day or I'm arguing with a friends or I'm in a bad mood) I have also asked others about you and have heard that you where having a bad. So please don't blame your clan mates for your moods, well at least not all the time because there are times that we can get on each others nerves! As far as star not being on that much well you answered that yourself, she is a mother and has other responsibilities as you should know. As far as that video go's thats the way we play when we are not just bull shiting or fucking around. And as far as you saying that when you do private chat it's not are concern, which is true but if your going to do so just leave the game and come back when your done. I think that you and everyone else in this clan needs to try not to get so easily offended because you have to remember everyone has the right of free speech and to their own opinion .
