Monday, May 10, 2010

What does God Mean to you?


  1. He is more powerful than Superman, Batman, Spiderman, the Incredible Hulk, put together.

  2. God is more of an idea or a concept to me, than an actual entity centered around mankind. I feel like any attempts to actually describe God, would only end in being wrong. How can you put to voice, a sound you've never heard? It's just like walking in the dark; I'll never have the full confidence I need to see it clearly.

  3. But I know that I'll keep searching. It's one of the biggest questions in life and every one of us wonder about it at times. I feel that some people, and I'm happy for those people, end up finding an answer that works for them. And so with out challenging it any further they accept it and move on with their lives. Truth be told, I'm not one of those people.
