Tuesday, August 31, 2010

clan roles

OK so me and prime discussed that we need roles for everyone and by roles i mean what we are going to do on the battlefield so here's a list of roles to take control of

Tank= strategist and one who gets most of the job done
J.O.A.T= jack of all trades this is the guy who is a tank, medic, support, lone wolf, and distraction
Medic= the one one who goes to revive your fallen teammates on the battlefield while providing cover
Support= the ones who stay back and provide cover from afar and toss in frags to help teammates get out of a sticky situation
Distraction= now this role is is more the less experienced members of the clan and speaks for itself they may find themselves in the battle field having many difficulties but they are important for the more experienced members to come sneak up behind and get the kills to help win the battle
Lone wolf= again this is anther one that speaks for itself this class is more for the ones who don't like to rush in with the team but rather go it alone, these members are highly frowned upon in this clan but everyone at one point some more than others will take this position.

Now what me and prime want from all of you is to choose two classes and stick with them leave your positions in the commets and remember we are like a cattapillar everyone is the legs and if one of us is a broken leg we cant function properly


  1. Now as much as i would like to say Tank or JOAT it's fair to say that's inaccurate. I'm more of a DISTRACT and SUPPORT kinda guy they pretty much go hand in hand anyway

    p.s. Ratchet+Girlfriend-Xbox=ScatterSLAP

  2. Scattershot...you're retarded LMAO
