call me a nerd all you want but world of warcraft is the shit. and as prime knows i know how to spot an addictive game. erm (viva pinata). but i think you guys should definately play it we can also make clans in it, another RID anyone (pc version). but still its fun as hell kill what ever the hell you want full world roaming pretty much the works. also im kinda excited with the new expansion CATACLYSM. it seems very promising. and remember dont knock a game till you try it yourself. P.S ive learned that most people we call WOW nerds werent wow nerds before and knocked the game as well then they triedit and got addicted. sobasically what im trying to tell you guys is we should also expand our gaming reaches to the pc as well. CATACLYSM should com out sometime in november 2010
I tried to get into it in college, i just didn't have the right crowed to hang out with at the time so i canceled my account.