Saturday, June 5, 2010


Should Religion be allowed in school? Does it have a place in school today?

Some people think that God should be included in our schools and that the bible should be consider as a class offered to those who choose to take it. I personally think that you should be allowed to believe or practice you beliefs where ever you want. Like if you wanted to say a pray before you take a test, that should be your own choice. You should not get yelled at by your teacher for doing the act as one student did in Colorado. The teacher asked him why his head was down and he told her what he was doing and she responded with a bartering of the student in front of his class mates. Did the teacher get in trouble for this? No she did not, the school said she was only up holding the school's policies. I think that you should be able to do as you please when it comes to worship as long as you don't try to force you opinion on those who don't want it or ask for it. I'm mean we where a nation under God right or did that change some where along the lines and I missed that. So anyone reading this let me know what you think and believe should happen with our school's and religion.

1 comment:

  1. well i could care less as im not really a is my choice and no not that scientology crap cuz thats just for poumpous douche bags like tom cruise. but i f i had to make an opinion go for it no one should get battered for their beliefs its ok to share your beliefs as long as your not trying to push it on anyone or change their belief cuz that to me is just wrong maybe if you tell your belief and the person you were sharing it with went with your belief its ok but diliberately tryin to convert them is dumb
