Sunday, July 4, 2010

An update from RIDxMindWipe

Hey everyone, how's it been? I haven't been around lately and I'm sure some of you are wondering why. Well, it doesn't matter. You are all still my friends and some of you are the coolest people around. As of right now, I'm terribly sick and can barely move. Talking hurts and any attempt to do so results in a painful cough attack. I'm hoping I can get over this soon, it's never easy being sick.

I've got to go and take a driving test this week, and hopefully I'll pass it with a breeze. As it turns out, I will need my license for work, which I will be starting in just two weeks. There's not a lot of time for me to prepare, so I've been pretty busy with that. I should be leaving on the 13th of July, and today is the fourth. Doesn't leave me much time does it? Speaking of which, happy 4th of July everyone. I hope you guys all have a great time. And Jazz try not to set any houses on fire. Remember, bottle rockets are an outdoor toy. And Ratchet, just because it says fire cracker on it, doesn't mean you should eat it. Prime, StarScream, I'm glad you guys are spending this day together.

Wish me luck guys, I'm going to miss all of you out on the road.


  1. Good to hear from you, wish your news was a little better. Anyway call Star and i if you can. Starscream bought just for you a three month member ship to xbox so yeah, maybe you can play before you leave on your road trip of working,cheap beer,cheap women, and cheap condoms.
