Tuesday, August 31, 2010

clan roles

OK so me and prime discussed that we need roles for everyone and by roles i mean what we are going to do on the battlefield so here's a list of roles to take control of

Tank= strategist and one who gets most of the job done
J.O.A.T= jack of all trades this is the guy who is a tank, medic, support, lone wolf, and distraction
Medic= the one one who goes to revive your fallen teammates on the battlefield while providing cover
Support= the ones who stay back and provide cover from afar and toss in frags to help teammates get out of a sticky situation
Distraction= now this role is is more the less experienced members of the clan and speaks for itself they may find themselves in the battle field having many difficulties but they are important for the more experienced members to come sneak up behind and get the kills to help win the battle
Lone wolf= again this is anther one that speaks for itself this class is more for the ones who don't like to rush in with the team but rather go it alone, these members are highly frowned upon in this clan but everyone at one point some more than others will take this position.

Now what me and prime want from all of you is to choose two classes and stick with them leave your positions in the commets and remember we are like a cattapillar everyone is the legs and if one of us is a broken leg we cant function properly

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Milo for Kinect is the end of the world

Woman about to be killed by Milo

If your in then be heard

Look I'm tired of all the fake people who are full of shit. If you want to be in this clan and take it to a whole new level then leave your name and a fuck yeah in the comments below. This goes out to all members, we need new recruits. Not your friend form school or the neighbor hood kid. People that know how to handle a bad scene and not who grab their ankles and kiss their asses good bye! We need people who believe that no matter how hard you fall on your face you keep going and never give up. RID does not give up no matter how bad we get cheated or mod. Remember guys when people talk shit, if you act like it don't bother you it will bother them even more. Remember the clan rules.

Friday, August 6, 2010

I want this ringtone

What Scatter Thinks (Jersey Shore edition)

So that jersey shore hose beast Snookie got arrested last weekend for disorderly conduct in the gwedo heaven of Seaside Heights. Turns out she wasn't drunk, just nauseous from seeing her own reflection in the grease of a slice of boardwalk pizza. Gawker.com had a picture of that orange skinned ghoul, sometime before or after her arrest. and she's wearing a barely there one-piece that makes her look like a pear with feet. Nice combination of leopard print and tiger stripes, looks real good. if you wear that suit in public you should be forced to buy something nice for everyone you encounter. of course on the boardwalk something nice would mean a bald eagle on white gold. She's got the body of Theodor from the chipmunks, she looks like one of those little fertility dolls that would have been carved out of an elephant tusk by some long forgotten group of Pygmies in the year 1000. I look at her and i think of Meatloaf...not the singer, an actual loaf of meat. you know what you don't wanna be compared to, a loaf, worst word in the English language. little beast. in fact all the big named chicks on that show are disgusting, at least the guys have good bodies so i understand the appeal for women. But the broads on this show look like beat-up 45 year olds with the physiques to match. J-Wow looks like a man! a man that wears bikinis that look like lingerie. In a perfect world those Cape Cod sharks would head south and start munching. I'm Scatter and that's what i think and that's your new opinion.